

Not Evaluated


Common Map

Cyrestis thyodamas

Males and females upperside white, in many specimens pale ochraceous yellow, veins black. Fore wing with four very slender irregularly sinuous transverse black lines, the costal margin shaded with ochraceous at base and fuscous beyond; cell crossed by three or four additional line short lines; a postdiscal very incomplete series of white-centred broad fuscous rings in the interspaces, tinged with ochraceous near the tornus and broadly interrupted in interspaces 3 and 4 ; beyond this two transverse black lines not reaching the dorsal margin, shaded with fuscous between; the apex broadly and the termen also shaded with fuscous. Hind wing with three transverse fine lines; a pair of postdiscal broad black lines shaded with light sepia-brown between, forming a conspicuous band, the outer line broken and incomplete, followed by two irregular line black lines, a subterminal more pronounced black line, and posteriorly a narrow black terminal margin ; dorsal margin broadly fuscous at base; apical half and the tornal area and lobe rich ochraceous, with some sepia-brown and black markings. Underside similar, the markings of the upperside showing through by transparency; the ochraceous shading on dorsum and tornal area on hind wing of less extent, but the tornal lobe darker ochraceous with a central large round black spot.


Regional Names
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Cyrestis thyodamas